NRL leaders join to Rally Round Rupert with 100 miles

NRL Group’s CEO David Redmayne and Director Daniel Redmayne are set to join the 100 walk 100 miles fundraising campaign for a second year, that will see them take on the Cotswold Way to join 98 other walkers for Rally Round Rupert.

It’s all in aid of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), which their friend’s son Rupert was diagnosed with at 8 weeks old. The degenerative neuromuscular condition causes muscle weakening and wastage because of the loss of motor neurones, but crucial research is being undertaken by Spinal Muscular Atrophy UK, who the team of walkers will be raising money for.

Statistics indicate that 1 in 10,000 children are born with SMA, and limited treatment before breakthroughs in 2016 gave a life expectancy of less than 2 years. Now, thankfully experts have recognised that early detection makes a significant difference so more needs to be done to raise awareness of the condition, and fund ongoing advanced clinical research.

Setting off on Friday 21st June and taking 3 days to complete, the volunteers will also be transporting Gary and Stan, who both have SMA Type 3, along on the challenge in custom-built wheelchairs – allowing them to see the picturesque route which is highly inaccessible to anyone with mobility impairments.

Last year, David and Daniel joined a team of 100 fellow walkers happy to take on the gruelling 100-mile hike along Cleveland Way, so they certainly have an idea of what’s in store with this fundraising challenge. In the run up to the 2023 event and across the 3 days, over £100k was raised.

Discussing last year’s fundraising walk Group Director Daniel Redmayne reflects on the experience.

Last year's Rally Round Rupert walk

CEO David Redmayne looks ahead to this year’s walk.

Supporting a fantastic cause

Anyone interested in making a donation can find out more on the GoFundMe page:


The NRL Group