NRL’s Rail Director marks 25 years’ service
NRL Limited’s Rail contracting business Director Jim Taylor recently reached 25 years’ service.
Originally joining the recruitment side of NRL in 1994, Jim worked within NRL’s Falkirk branch supporting clients within the Petro-Chem, Oil & Gas and Marine sectors with Engineering candidates.
In 2001 through his existing contacts, the opportunity arose to supply Ultrasonic Operators to the Rail Industry – this provided NRL with an opportunity to diversify their services, leading to the setup of a new Rail contracting business in 2001.
Today Jim oversees NRL’s grinding, signalling and ultrasonic inspection services to clients across the UK, including maintaining and upgrading the country’s over and underground tracks.
In 2018 the Rail business extended their service expertise by launching IOSH approved training courses. Already needing to deliver this training to their operatives to meet client requirements, by bringing this training capability in-house the team are now able to provide this as an additional service to add value for their clients. Discussing Jim’s 25 years’ anniversary NRL Group Director Donald Livingston said,

Jim has taken his rail expertise and developed a strong service offering to our clients, drawing on his own in-depth knowledge whilst successfully transferring these skills to our Grangemouth and Barnsley Rail operations team.
Under his leadership our Rail contracting business provides vital maintenance to the UK’s leading rail infrastructure owners, with a strong culture for safely and best practice onsite.
Donald Livingston, NRL Group Director